Tuesday, January 18, 2011


School starts this week! Yay! NOT!  I have this love/hate relationship with school. That is, I love to hate school.  My goal is to get into the Registered Nursing program here at the community college.  I have taken all the pre req. classes.  However, my G.P.A. could use some help.  Hence the re-taking of Anatomy.  Amidst all of this agony is one good thing, I get to take this class with my dear friend Christina.  My hubby is taking a class too, so this means we will be very busy in the coming months.  I am really going to try to make the extra time to do the little things I love to do for my family, like make homecooked meals, and all the mommy things.  It's so easy to let the little things get away from you. 

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