Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Patience is a virtue...............................

Patience........I have NONE, NIL, NOT A BIT!!!  I am by far, the most impatient person in all the earth.  It feels that lately, I am being tested.  I am waiting and waiting impatiently for so many things to happen.  I hate that these things are totally beyond my control.  I am waiting impatiently to see if I have been accepted to not one, but TWO nursing programs that I have applied to.  One in my hometown of Visalia and the other is about 30 minutes away in Lemoore.  I hate the fact that I have done all that I can and now my fate lies in the hands of others.  I pray that they have  a heart and let me in.  I need to start my career doing what I love.  I should give thanks because I currently have a job, it pays the bills, but I'm not doing what I love.  I am waiting for something to change with my work life.  It's like it can't always be good all around.  My family life and relationship with the hubs is great, my kids are awesomely spectacular, straight A's loving life, doing all the kid things....bu then I hit a brick wall with my work life.  I don' like this.....something's gotta change.  And I just need to make it happen because I am not waiting anymore. Virtue Shmirtue....whatev......

1 comment:

  1. I love you Vanessa. You are a great Mother, a great Wife, a wonderful friend. It will happen at the right time. xxoo
