Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Calling all mind readers...................

I hate getting old.  Not that I'm vain, or anything.....ok, maybe just a little bit.  The part about getting older that I hate is how my mood has been changing.  I feel like Satan himself is sitting in my uterus at a certain time of the month.  I just feel like I don't want to talk, because if I do, I  might will say something I regret.  I feel really bad for my kids and hubby.  So bad that I even went to my doctor and asked for some medication.  I will start to take a birth control pill and that is supposed to help.  I really hate taking medication.  I'm going to look into natural herbs and such and see if this might help.  And if it doesn't I'm taking those BCP's.  The other thing I do lately is I get mad and then expect the other person to read my mind.  Isnt' that how it works?  I wish.  So, I need to do better with expressing myself and ask "why am I upset, is it something they did or said, or do I just truly want to be mad just to be mad?"  I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just wish my hubby could read my mind.  I think I do a pretty good job of reading his.  Like right now, he's thinking "man, I hope I get laid tonight."  This would help so much, if he could just know that if he picked up his work boots so that I don't stub my toe on them in the dark my life would be 1 bajillion times better.  ok, so that's all for now.

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