Thursday, April 7, 2011

So Proud!!

I have 3 children whom I adore.  My husband and I try to keep them pretty busy by having them participate in extra curricular activities.  My oldest is currently taking guitar lessons, boy is that hard!! She was teaching me some of the notes and how to strum, and I just don't know how to do it.  My middle one Bree is so interested in mostly all sports.  She just finished basketball only to jump into softball, and has been bugging me for a month to join the swim team.  I love that she is so sporty and wants to be involved.  And it's a lot of work toting her around with all her gear.  The husband and I both work full time, so it's hard finding the time,  BUT, we do it, we figure it out, he may drop one off and I pick one up and you get the picture.  My lil guy is so lazy. He doesn't care for sports, unless he's coaching.  He played soccer for 2 seasons, but insists all the coaches are "dumb".  I think he just really doesn't like sports, but boy, can he play video games, he loves his PS3. 
It makes me kind of sad that my parents never did that for us (my brothers and sisters).  The toting around, showing up, clapping, cheering. They never went to the plays I was in or award ceremonies. And, I imagaine there are parents out there who just can't be bothered to do these little things. I know my babies appreciate this.  They always say "thanks mommy and daddy".  I love that.  I took Bree to swim team tryouts yesterday and she made it!!! We've had a built in pool and the kids have been swimming since they were wee ones, but I was unsure if she would make it because she's not a pro when it comes to all the fancy strokes.  So yesterday, right before tryouts we did a youtube search and found out the basics.  I love technology!! She did marvelous.  I felt sorry for an older boy who tried out and couldn't make it accross the pool.  I am not looking forward to meeting all the parents, I get rather nervous when meeting new people.  Plus, I feel out of the loop.  I'm sure there will be a whole new vocabulary I'll have to learn.  I'm sure Bree doesn't care if we're not "hip swim parents" just as long as we're there to cheer her on. 

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